Thursday, September 21, 2006

pre-emptive? hmmm.

hey. now that i think about it, its supposed to be "hard left! HARD LEFT!!" but nvm. "hard right! HARD RIGHT!!" sounds minutely better.
actually, it may have been a pre emptive strike. hawhaw. nvm. shock and awe, ooh, aaah. all that economics must be getting to my brain. haha. that would actually make alot of sense? anything is sensible after you've watched an episode of "Ed, Edd and Eddy" man, is that show retarded. seriously.
and i watch hellsing ova 2 inbetween the mounds of economics. cool effects. especially the hellhounds. haha. alucard ownzxzxzx.

actually, it all looks abit fake nowadays. maybe its the truth finally coming to me, or the product of an overly competent imagination. haha. i think my proudest works are my fantasy worlds. haha. if only i could find a way to go inside them.

woo. that must have been the most incoherent post this year. oh wells. back to economics.

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